It's truly exciting to see all of the "rapid fire" changes taking place in the Watchtower org. Buildings are being sold, KingdomHalls are "compressing", Bethelites are being sent home, Watchtower format changing to public issues and private issues, more and more judicial committee meetings being held for apostasy. (THE WATCHTOWER IS DEAD IT JUST HASN'T FALLEN OVER YET! The Watchtower officials are "dividing up the booty" and getting out of Dodge! Other issues the org. is dealing with includes the massive amounts of active Witnesses with "one foot in and one foot out", those of the "conscious class", in other words the "ether mask" is coming off. More and more Witnesses are seeing what the Watchtower is hiding behind. The increase of "newbies" on this site, as well as e-mails we receive from active Witnesses speaks for itself.Glad to see that many leaving the Watchtower org. still have a belief in God and are helped by that, just as we have.Many of these Witnesses leaving need encouragement and support and that's where many on this board can help and have helped.It's truly thrilling to speak with active Witnesses who will agree that the Watchtower org. has problems and are not afraid to speak out. Tonights conference call (Saturday April 26)7p.m. is expected to have some active Witnesses participating. CAll (712)432-8710 pin number 9925.
kool aid man06
JoinedPosts by kool aid man06
Has the mass exodus begun?
by kool aid man06 init's truly exciting to see all of the "rapid fire" changes taking place in the watchtower org.
buildings are being sold, kingdomhalls are "compressing", bethelites are being sent home, watchtower format changing to public issues and private issues, more and more judicial committee meetings being held for apostasy.
(the watchtower is dead it just hasn't fallen over yet!
listen in to active witnesses and how they feel about the new announcement
by kool aid man06 inwe will be discussing the so called confirmed announcement concerning the book study on our conference call this saturday night.we will be "spillling the beans" to those active witnesses on the telephone line and get their reaction and their "spin" on what is supposed to be announced this sunday.
the third live telephone conference will take place on saturday april 26 at 7p.m.
kool aid man06
We will be discussing the so called confirmed announcement concerning the Book Study on our conference call this Saturday night.We will be "spillling the beans" to those active Witnesses on the telephone line and get their reaction and their "spin" on what is supposed to be announced this Sunday.
The third live telephone conference will take place on Saturday April 26 at 7p.m. EST. This call is open for anyone who has been "touched by the tentacles" of the Watchtower. This week's special guests will be Brenda Lee, author of the book OUT OF THE COCOON, a young woman's courageous flight from the grip of a religious cult. Also, a man who will tell his story about how he was raped at Bethel by a Governing Body member when he was younger. Many were surprised to hear the voice of an anointed Ministerial Servant joining in describing what's going on in the ever changing world of the Watchtower. Many listening in asked questions to the Ministerial Servant regarding the organization and he was not shy in answering. He said he would be joining in again this week and is going to try to bring in two other active Witnesses as well. The conference call is free of charge, there are no hidden costs, your only cost is your normal phone call rate.If you would like to join us on this huge party line, call this number (712) 432-8710 and when asked for pin number use pin number 9925. It's easy to participate. No computer is needed, just dial in and become part of a new format that is helping so many people.
huge announcement after the Watchtower study on the 27 of April?
by Dogpatch inthere will be a huge announcement after the watchtower study on the 27 of april.. for what it's worth, this was just sent to me anonymously.. randy.
kool aid man06
I" don't want to sound like I'm "running ahead", but two "highly respected moles" in the organization "spilled the beans" on what really is going to be announced. They, in a very low tone, said it will be one of two things. (1) During the 2008 "Guided By God's Spirit" district conventions The Governing Body has decided to re-introduce the famous Convention Burrito to the hungry, loyal Witnesses.
(2) In view of the difficulties that the Governing Body has been having, as of late, they have made a decision to bring order and control into their body. It will be announced that they are bringing in a new member to the Governing Body who will add reason and logic to their group.
Many on this board, without doubt, will be thrilled to hear that MINIMUS is being appointed to the Governing Body!
more telephone lines open for J.W. telephone conference
by kool aid man06 inon our first conference, on march 28, many people called in and we were pleased with the response.
on saturday, april 12, at 7p.m.
est we will have another live conference call for jehovah's witnesses, former jehovah's witnesses, and anyone "touched by the tenticles" of the watchtower organization.
kool aid man06
The content being discussed in the live telephone conference is indeed thought provoking. The information given by so many "touched by the tenticles" of the Watchtower can be so helpful to those ready to leave the Watchtower organization. These conferences will be recorded and be able to be heard on line.
more telephone lines open for J.W. telephone conference
by kool aid man06 inon our first conference, on march 28, many people called in and we were pleased with the response.
on saturday, april 12, at 7p.m.
est we will have another live conference call for jehovah's witnesses, former jehovah's witnesses, and anyone "touched by the tenticles" of the watchtower organization.
kool aid man06
On our first conference, on March 28, many people called in and we were pleased with the response. On Saturday, April 12, at 7p.m. EST we will have another live conference call for Jehovah's Witnesses, former Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone "touched by the tenticles" of the Watchtower organization. We will be interviewing one of America's leading behavior modification and personal growth experts. He is a former Jehovah's Witness who was in for over 30 years. He has been on a number of television programs and he wants to share his personal story and offer tips on what one can do to quickly make a smoother transition in life. TO PARTICIPATE WITH US IN THIS CALL DIAL THE FOLLOWING NUMBER. (712) 432-8710. WHEN ASKED FOR PIN NUMBER GIVE PIN NUMBER 9925. To secure a line we suggest you call in early. There are no hidden charges. Your only charge is for your normal calling rate.
Anyone know of specific subliminal pictures?
by cognac inthe only one i know about is the big jesus in the revelation book.. know of any specific other ones?
i want to show hubby....
kool aid man06
One outstanding picture is found on page 159 of the Revelation book. It is a picture of a mans face in the hand of the angel. Also, be sure to check out more on Go to the site map and you will find a category of subliminal pictures.This site also has a video of an award winning photographer who speaks about the subliminal art in the Watchtower publications.Check out screen 3.
by kool aid man06 injehovah's witnesses, if it was proved to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have been lied to, would you care?
deny it?
make excuses for it?
kool aid man06
Hello! to Dave and others replying on this topic. I'm glad to see that there is a variety of views expressed on this forum and I hope that the board stays this way. The avatar "kool aid man" has no reference to the "kool aid" that killed so many cult members in Jonestown. I use it in connection with the mindset of so many Jehovah's Witnesses. Vast numbers of J.W.s seem to have the thought that everything the Society teaches them is so truthful. If they were taught by "Jehovah's channel" that the Kool Aid man is real, they would believe it. As regards my having a hidden agenda, I think the agenda is quite clear and in the open. Many people on this board know that Kool Aid Man is Rick Fearon and I live in Massachusetts. The objective of posting on this board is for one thing and one thing only, to help Jehovah's Witnesses find their way out of a very destructive organization.Coming from the Christian side, I realize how important a connection with God is for those leaving the Watchtower and I realize not everyone subscribes to this. I have met with so many former J.W.s who say connecting with God is what got them through their disconnect with the organization. I know that some on this board have alternatives to this but we can all work together in helping to free so many good people. As far as the " bait and switch" accusations of leading someone to our church, or our "god company" for financial gain, this is not true. As far as our websites, and as one person has suggested that it is nothing but a "cut and paste" job, yeah! a $10,000. "cut and paste"job! I am very excited about the next telephone conference scheduled for Friday April 11 at 9p.m. We are attempting now to increase the number of phone lines in hopes more can get in this time and not get blocked out.
Info conferance call
by mouthy inwe are having a live phone conference on friday march 28 from 9p.m.
and rick and i were wondering if you could please give the information to your contacts.
it is for jehovah's witnesses and former witnesses as well as anyone else who is interested in knowing about the witnesses.
kool aid man06
Lots happened!!! The telephone conference,otherwise known as the apostate party line, was really buzzing. Many came on the conference call earlier and were able to get through, however, those coming on later somehow crashed the system, whether this was due to an abnormally large number of people calling at once or, some other technical reason, we're not sure. Next conference is scheduled for Friday April 11, and we will have to somehow regulate the calling so everyone doesn't call all at the same time. This telephone conference venue offers a different dimension or avenue for Jehovah's Witnesses to see what the Watchtower is hiding behind and what their real agenda is. We were thrilled to hear from many who are in this forum, and it was encouraging to share comments on how we can help Jehovah's Witnesses. We do know there were Jehovah's Witnesses listening! One of the conference participants told us he knew of a Witness who took his cell phone outside his home for total privacy to call in. A Witness can feel secure listening in without the fear of being caught.
by kool aid man06 injehovah's witnesses, if it was proved to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have been lied to, would you care?
deny it?
make excuses for it?
kool aid man06
Lots happened!!! The telephone conference,otherwise known as the apostate party line, was really buzzing. Many came on the conference call earlier and were able to get through, however, those coming on later somehow crashed the system, whether this was due to an abnormally large number of people calling at once or, some other technical reason, we're not sure. Next conference is scheduled for Friday April 11, and we will have to somehow regulate the calling so everyone doesn't call all at the same time. This telephone conference venue offers a different dimension or avenue for Jehovah's Witnesses to see what the Watchtower is hiding behind and what their real agenda is. We were thrilled to hear from many who are in this forum, and it was encouraging to share comments on how we can help Jehovah's Witnesses. We do know there were Jehovah's Witnesses listening! One of the conference participants told us he knew of a Witness who took his cell phone outside his home for total privacy to call in. A Witness can feel secure listening in without the fear of being caught.
by kool aid man06 injehovah's witnesses, if it was proved to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have been lied to, would you care?
deny it?
make excuses for it?
kool aid man06
I'm not sure about the number of "card carrying, time reporting Witnesses" who will be calling in to this conference. But, there will be I am sure, a mixture of people, including J.W.s, former J.W.s , and many that have been adversely touched by the 'tentacles' of the Watchtower org. It's my feeling that many older Jehovah's Witnesses truly believe that the internet is a tool of Satan the Devil and may find the telephone conference more inviting and easy to access. Telephones have escaped the 'hatchet' of the Watchtower and can give those using them total privacy. This is our "maiden voyage" and we are not totally sure what is going to happen but, it certainly is a great opportunity to hear what's going on in the "world of the Jehovah's Witnesses". As of today, March 28, the audience is rising, the conference provider is giving us only 400 callers. If you want to participate call early, maybe about 8:30 E.S.T. I've been told if you get on the line before the conference opens it will be like a large party line and you can talk with others before the moderators come on.